Ottoman Period of StagnationThe Ottoman Empire

I. Ahmed Khan Life | Sultan Ahmed Khan

During the days when I. Ahmed Khan was disturbed, the Ottoman and Austrian governments were renewing the Ahtnames of Zitvatoruk with the Vienna Catechism. There was a wound on the back of the Sultan. The disease was progressing unexpectedly. Sultan Ahmet Khan was not afraid of death, as all true faith-holders. When he felt that his last dems were getting closer, he was willing to be gasified by Aziz Mahmut Efendi.

Mabeyinci Mustafa, who was in the presence of the sultan one day before his death, heard that I. Ahmed Khan had not seen his owner in the room four times and said, “And salutation.” When asked why, Sultan Ahmed Han:

“At this moment, Hazrat-i Abu Bakr, Hazret-i Umar, Hazret-i Osman and Hazrat Ali arrived. Me: ‘You, the world and the sultanate of the afterlife, gather in yourselves. Tomorrow the Messenger of Allah will give you the answer, “You have come” with your master. Indeed he passed away the next day.

Because of his stomach discomfort, he left his pseudonym for this world on November 22, 1617, after he had sat on the mattress for fifty days. When I. Ahmed Khan I died, he was twenty-eight years old.

Physicians diagnosed malaria in the sultan’s disease. The sultan’s wandering this unexpected death was stunned. Those who are authorized to make decisions in the state administration, contrary to the ongoing law of the Osmanoğulları, Instead of Osman, they placed his brother Mustafa on the throne instead. The reason for this is probably the first time that the sister of the deceased sultan was alive.

That day he read the salads in the glass of Istanbul. They sent messengers to Aziz Mahmud Hüdâyî to fulfill the gas and other religious incumbents because of his will. But since there was a great deal of love and affection among them, Aziz Mahmud Hudayyu was very upset. incoming:

“I loved him very much, I can not. I am very much in need, and I can not be found in this service “, he sent Shaban Dede from his followers.

The funeral prayer of the Sultan was made by Şeyhulislam Esad Efendi in the palace Sahn Divanhanesi. The crowded crowd was buried in the turtle next to the ending mosque.
The tomb on the tomb was embroidered on the following date:

Türbe-i ulyâsının itmâmına târihdir
Türbe-i Sultan Ahmed illiyyîn ola

I. Ahmed Khan The thirteenth of the Ottoman sultans is seventy-ninth of the Islamic caliphs. Sultan III. He is the son of Mehmed Han. His father was born in Manisa in 1590 during the governorship of Saruhan. Sultan Ahmed Khan’s mother is Handan Sultan.

The prince Ahmed, when he was five years old, was subjected to strict training and decency. Aydın Mustafa Efendi, one of the most prominent scholars of the time, was assigned this work. Basic knowledge learned. Hocazâde Mehmed and Assad also took lessons from the masters. In particular, he had fine knowledge in fiqh and he learned Arabic and Persian perfectly. It was also very successful in war and military training such as throwing arrows, using swords, riding a horse.

After the Ottoman princes arrived at a certain age, they would be sent to some provinces outside Istanbul for administrative purposes in order to gain experience in the state administration. This was called “leaving the sun”. The prince Ahmed will be the first prince to go to reign before he leaves the mountain. The reason for this was the Celalî revolts that continued in Anatolia during that period.

I. Ahmed Khan, who also dealt with poetry, took the sights of Abdülmecid Sivasî and Aziz Mahmud Hüdâyî Üsküdarî, who were married at the time, and came to his resignation.

Sultan Ahmed passed through the throne at the age of fourteen and made his sultanate for fourteen years. Twenty-eight like a very young teenager died in an age. A well-educated, sultanate who loves art and literature. Besides poetry, he showed a close interest in calligraphy. Bahtî wrote poems with the chapel. It has gained the love of the people because it is unselfish, devout and charitable. He was a hard-nurtured. He would not forgive those who betrayed him. Even those who served the government because of their hardness could sometimes be cruel.

The Sultan was like his grandfather Yavuz Sultan Selim. He would never compromise on something that would have been harmful to the state, even if he had a selim of nature. She dressed very simply. Having a strong, strong structure, the sultan used good weapons and was known by everyone. In one of the Edirne, a six-slice bunner threw a thirty-meter-high treasure far forward, and a column was erected where the shatterer fell down.

He showed a different respect to the city of Mecca. The damaged Kaaba has repaired its walls by sending masters from Istanbul, and rebuilt gold with the inscription on the gate of the Kaaba-i Muazzama. In addition, he sent a minbar made in Istanbul from white marble to Medina, replacing the minbar in the Masjid al-Nabi.
I. Ahmed Khan’s commitment to the Prophet was on all sorts of ideas. Indeed, this incident is the greatest sign of his love.
During the construction of the mosque that he was building, he brought the blessed footprints of the Hazrat Prophet, called “Naqsh-i Kadem”, in the tomb of Sultan Kaybayt in Egypt to Eyüp Sultan Tomb. When the construction of the Sultanahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque) was completed, he took it there. However, the Sultan had a dream this night of the transfer process:

“A supreme assembly of all the sultans was established and the Prophet was sitting in the office of the kadi. A kind of court was established. Sultan Kaybay (m, 1495) was a plaintiff from Sultan Ahmed because this Kadem-i Saadet, which was the occasion of the tomb, was taken and brought to Istanbul.

The Messenger of Allah also ruled that Kadem-i Sharif should be sent back immediately, in the capacity of a kadi …

Sultan Ahmed I. awoke with fear and horror. His dream was accompanied by the grace and mercy of Aziz Mahmud Hüdâyî. According to the made calf, it was said:

“Sultan! The dream is clear. There is no need to comment.
Relief must be sent back immediately … ” I. Ahmed Khan, the Prophet of the Lich, returned the neck, bowed and entrusted in a meticulous and sadly manner.

However, the heart can not stand to separate from Kadem-i Sharif, and just like a Kadem-i Sharif to make a crest and hang on the edge of the caliphate. In addition, Kadem-i Şerif draws a picture on a board and paints the face of the throne. Kadem-i Şerif on the side of the picture himself wrote the following famous continent:

N’ola tacım gibi başımda götürsem daim
Kademi nakşını ol hazret-i Şah-ı Rüsül’ün
Gül-i gülzâr-ı nübüvvet o kadem sahibidür
Ahmeda durma yüzün sür kademine o Gül’ün

(There is no wonder that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) always carried the footsteps of the great Prophet like a tac, but he is the most senior and most extraordinary smile of the noble gods.

I. Sultan Ahmed Khan has left many alms in both Anatolia and Istanbul. The Sultanahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque) in Istanbul, which is said to have its own name, is a complete shaman. The first to shoot the excavations in the foundation was Mehmed Efendi, Devin Mahmud Hudai, Kuyucu Murad Pasha and Sultan Ahmed Khan. The Sultan himself carried the earth with the robe of the caftan and digged until he sweated. This excavation is velvety and is exhibited in Topkapı Palace. Another sultan who will use the mentioned digs later is also III. It was Ahmed Khan. While he was throwing away the bases of the famous library in the sun, he took away this digging used by his grandfather.

It is known that Ava and Javelin are curious about the game, occasionally it is in Avirah in Edirne and Bursa. However, the avi was very popular and the sultans were also very expensive, and in fourteen years they were only four or five times better.

Bostanzade Yahya Efendi, who served as a janissary during the period, describes Ahmed Khan I in his work titled History-i Saf Tuhfetu’l-Ahbab:

“He is a sickly, angelic, dervish-natured man of the Solomonian nation. Adalette resembles Nusi’ri’van to Alexander the Great. Our sultan, who has happiness and statehood, is on the path of justice and sharia. He likes goodness and charity like his horses. He asks his knowledge to be held and observed. Its clean and bright face is white, white is the size of the garden of sultans, and its words are measured and nükteli. The mollalara kissing his hand in the feast ceremonies, sat up on his throne to respect the saints and the wise men. This is a nice treat for the sultans. Even the walk is like a pavilion. When all these things are observed, it is understood that he is like Sultan Murad Han. But Sultan Murad Han is a thousand high, forgiving and selective. Boyu is more than that. He takes his army and his country under his rule. His cute face and smile are as bright as the sun shining. The joke is not praise. Low humility is endless. However, in the face of the majesty and grandeur of God’s tax, every living thing titles. ”

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Şimşirgil

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